Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Why You Should Choose a Line Dresses

Okay, so most of us girls, aside from those who are rail thin, sylph like model creatures, struggle with hips, thighs and waists that are less than perfect. These things happen, and we all have our ‘fat days.' However, if you choose the right style of dress, you can hide a multitude of sins, and still look great. One of these is the A-line dress. Cut to flare gently over the body, it covers most of the bumpy bits we want to hide, while still revealing enough of your curves to be chic and sexy. Since A-lines are available in a variety of lengths, they're great for showing off just the parts of your legs that you love, and if it's your waist or hips you want to accentuate, while hiding other flaws, a belt, cinching yo ur waist, or lying on your hips, is the perfect solution.

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