Friday, June 25, 2010

How to Deal With Diabetes

Diabetes is the lack of insulin, the hormone that gets glucose, or sugar, into the body cells. Although the cause isn't known, it could be a reaction to an infection. Children who have diabetes, often develop the symptoms suddenly, and more than likely need long-term insulin treatment to control the disease. If your child becomes very thirsty, or frequently passes urine, starts to lose weight, or have tummy ache, vomiting, and becomes dehydrated, these could be symptoms of diabetes. Your child's breath might also smell of ketones, like nail varnish remover, and might also suffer chest and urine infections often. Once you child has been diagnosed, he will need hospital treatment in the beginning, as an in-patient. Treatment of childhood diabetes i s very specialized, but there are ways for you to helm him take it in his stride. Give him insulin injections regularly, and reassure him and stay calm yourself. Learn all you can about the disease, and make sure that family and carers are also well informed.

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