Monday, May 31, 2010

How Hollywood Stars Influence Politics

There was a time when all Hollywood stars had to do was appear in movies, and do the occasional press conference or tour. However, over the years, Hollywood stars have become more and more vocal in politics. Oprah Winfrey, while she may not be from California, is one of the most famous examples of this. It was her support for Barrack Obama that ultimately brought him such huge publicity among her fans. Then there was Cher's support of Ross Perot, and a variety of other stars, both democrat and republican, who have used their influence to gain media attention for their candidates. It's not only in politics though. PETA, the animal rights organization, has long used stars like Pamela Anderson and Cindy Crawford in their campaig ns, and many other non-profit organizations have followed suit. It seems, these days, that anyone who is anyone has a platform!

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