Friday, July 23, 2010

When Celebrity Photos Go Bad â€" Stars Who Attack!

We all hear about how invasive the paparazzi are, and how badly they treat the stars, however, when you get right down to it, the stars are no angels either. In fact, in their quest for celebrity photos, many photographers have some very unpleasant experiences indeed. Avril Lavigne, for one, not only attacked a paparazzo, she also spat at him. Cameron Diaz, while still with Justin Timberlake, stole another's camera and ran away with it, and Woody Harrelson, better known for his easy going support of cannabis, ended up in court when he strangled an unlucky cameraman who tried to snap him! British actor Hugh Grant may share his countrymen's aversion to physical violence, but that did not stop him from tossing cans of baked beans at cameramen! It would seem that those photos you see in the tabloids aren't quite as easy to get as you'd think!

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