Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Top Male Celebrity Earners on US TV

According to the Forbes List for 2009, the top male celebrity earner on prime time US TV is Simon Cowell. He had pre tax earnings of USD $75 million. Donald Trump came in second with USD $50 million. It is interesting that British born Cowell was able to out-earn Donald Trump, host of The Apprentice and even professional US actors like Kiefer Sutherland from 24, who netted USD $13 million. Simon Cowell's show American Idol will feature him as a judge for the last time in the 2010 season. His signature snide, hurtful comments aimed at contestants he wasn't impressed with, are an integral part of the show and the judges' dynamic. Around the world, franchised versions of his shows all seem to feature a judge with his abrasive t ype of personality. A co-presenter on American Idol, Ryan Seacrest was put 3rd with earnings of USD $38 million.

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