Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Secrets of Getting Rid of Dandruff

There's just about nothing worse than dandruff. Itchy and flaky is bad enough, but when you can't wear dark colors for fear of looking like a snow capped peak, something has to be done! Dandruff is either dry or oily, but it amounts to a buildup of dead skin on the scalp, which fortunately, is usually quite easy to treat. If you have a mild case of dandruff, then shampooing more often, and perhaps using a commercial anti dandruff shampoo, should clear up the problem. Finding the right shampoo to treat your dandruff may be a matter of trial and error though, as some contain tar, others selenium sulphide, and others anti bacterial agents. If your dandruff is severe, however, and you can't seem to find a shampoo that clears it up , a trip to your doctor or dermatologist should solve the problem.

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