Thursday, July 08, 2010

Secrets of Airbrush Tanning

Isn't life just unfair? We all know that tanned skin looks better, and can even hide flaws in your body – let's face it tanned thighs will always look better than their pasty white counterparts. However, we also know that sun exposure is dangerous and aging. Enter airbrush tanning: the simple, safe, and easy alternative to spending time in the sun. Airbrush tanning may vary slightly from salon to salon, but the basic concept is the same. You will spend time in a booth, where a substance containing DHA is sprayed onto your skin from all angles. This substance reacts with the skin, causing a stain, which we see as a tan. You will need fairly regular appointments to maintain your tan, but it is safe, simple, and relatively fast, so why n ot find a salon in your area that offers this option.

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