Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How to Minimize Bank Charges

When it comes to banking, there's one thing that really gets to me: bank charges. It seems to me as if, given the opportunity; the banks would find a way to charge us for breathing. However, while we can't escape the scourge of bank charges, we can find ways to minimize the costs. One good way is to pay all your bills online, via internet banking. That way, you can do exact deposits of the correct amounts, and you pay little to no fee for the transaction. Alternatively, you can set up debits for as many of your accounts as you can. Another good idea is to work out how much cash you need every week, for incidental items like coffee, lunch and so on. Draw it all in one go and pay only one fee. Then keep it in a safe place at home, and onl y take what you need with you each day.

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