Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How to Choose an MP3 Player

If you thought the iPod was the be all and end all of MP3 players, then you've been misled. While no other device has seen the kind of hype surrounding the iPod, there are still several other options on the market, many of them cheaper, that offer great options for listening to music, and even watching movies. Here's what to look for. First off, look at file formats. If you only want something that can play your music, an MP3 player is fine. If you want to watch movies, however, you're going to want an MP4 player, which supports video. Then there's capacity. While MP3's don't take up a lot of space compared to traditional formats, you do still want a device that has adequate storage. If it's movies you plan to watch, that increases even more . Look for an MP3 player that offers the best features, and then look at price. Even with some impressive features, chances are it'll be cheaper than Apple's flagship. If you aren't all about the brand name, that just might be the answer for you!

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