Thursday, May 27, 2010

Why You Should Practice Hygiene in the Home

Cleanliness in the home is vital especially around babies. Babies, their bottles, and toys, all need to be kept clean in order to minimize the risk of infection. Teach your toddler to wash his hands regularly, especially before and after eating. Wash your baby's bottles very well, and don't keep leftover food in his bowl. There are always bacteria on hands and cutlery, and these thrive on leftovers. Change your washing-up cloth as well as your drying cloths clean, and change them often. Your baby relies on you, as his parent, to keep his surroundings as clean and germ-free as possible. Household pets too, harbor germs, so teach your toddler to wash his hands after playing with an animal, especially before eating. Animals can trigger asthma an d other symptoms, especially where there are allergies in the family.

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