Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How to Wear a Knit Cap

Now, I know they are comfortable and warm. No one can argue about that. However, there are women out there that turn the knit cap into a crime against fashion. Here's how to avoid being one of them. Firstly, make sure that your knit cap still has its stretch. Over the years, they can lose their shape. The result is that you will look like you are wearing a tea cozy on your head. Not ideal. Next, you need to make sure that your knit cap is in good condition. Loose threads, pilling and other signs of wear are not acceptable. Fix them, or throw the cap out and buy a new one. Lastly, there's color. Black might be a safe option, but it can be harsh against your face, making you look like you're pale or sallow. Rather choose a more flattering grey or neutral, and do your face a favor!

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